Question: How do you test whether the database is updated as and when an information are added in the front end?Give me an example?
Answer: It depends on what level of testing you are doing.When you want to save something from front end obviously, it has to store somewhere in the database
You will need to find out the relevant tables involved in saving the records.Data Mapping from front end to the tables.Then enter the data from front end and save. Go to database, fire queries to get the same date from the back end.
How do you test whether the database is updated as and when an information are added in the front end?Give me an example?
It depends on what level of testing you are doing.When you want to save something from front end obviously, it has to store somewhere in the database
You will need to find out the relevant tables involved in saving the records.Data Mapping from front end to the tables.Then enter the data from front end and save. Go to database, fire queries to get the same date from the back end.
a. Enter the records from frontend screen. b.Go to the location where your database is located for your application[check in web.config file for DB location]. c. Go to the particular table and view the records. d. To check the data updation, modify the data in front end screen. Refresh the table in the data base and check.
Answered by: VenuMadhuri | Date: 2/2/2010
| Contact VenuMadhuri
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