Different between broadcast domain and collision domain. or explian broadcast domain and collision domain.
Brodcast Domain
send the packet to all the Present Network
IT may be send by the person
it may broadcast by the switch when the address not found in the Network.
For breaking brodcat domain We can Use Router
Collision Domain:
Switch has no collision as compare to hun (layer on Device Source:
Broadcast Domain is the area where when one device in the network sends the data or packet it will received by all the devices present over the network. Source:
Answered by: Jaspal Singh | Date: 9/8/2009
| Contact Jaspal Singh
dcast domain is the area where when one device or application sends the packet or data then it is received by all the devices present over the network.
Collision Domain is the area where the bandwidth is shared among all the devices accessing the media. Source:
Answered by: Jaspal Singh | Date: 9/8/2009
| Contact Jaspal Singh
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