Question: How to filter repeatative values in the report to get distinct values.
Example: In any database we can use distinct command But My Report source is flatfile.Therfore,I cann't manipulate source system.
Is there any command or function to filter repeating records/values in the report.
Answer: Using the eliminate duplicates option is one way.
In a clightly different scenario, duplicates could come up due to the design structure of the report. e.g.
In some specific cases, one may want to display a value in one field (say in a folded report) but multiple values come up (which could give you a COMPUTATION ERROR). To avoid such situation, one can define a variable which would e the max of the original field required. That ways the same value is fetched and also only one value is returned
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How to filter repeatative values in the report to get distinct values.
Example: In any database we can use distinct command But My Report source is flatfile.Therfore,I cann't manipulate source system.
Is there any command or function to filter repeating records/values in the report.
Using the eliminate duplicates option is one way.
In a clightly different scenario, duplicates could come up due to the design structure of the report. e.g.
In some specific cases, one may want to display a value in one field (say in a folded report) but multiple values come up (which could give you a COMPUTATION ERROR). To avoid such situation, one can define a variable which would e the max of the original field required. That ways the same value is fetched and also only one value is returned Source: CoolInterview.com
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