Question: There are 2 tables, Employee and Department. There are few records in employee table, for which, the department is not assigned. The output of the query should contain all th employees names and their corresponding departments, if the department is assigned otherwise employee names and null value in the place department name. What is the query?
Answer: What you want to use here is called a left outer join with Employee table on the left side. A left outer join as the name says picks up all the records from the left table and based on the joint column picks the matching records from the right table and in case there are no matching records in the right table, it shows null for the selected coloumns of the right table. eg in this query which uses the key-word LEFT OUTER JOIN. syntax though varies across databases. In DB2/UDB it uses the key word LEFT OUTER JOIN, in case of Oracle the connector is Employee_table.Dept_id *= Dept_table.Dept_id
SQL Server/Sybase :
Employee_table.Dept_id(+) = Dept_table.Dept_id
There are 2 tables, Employee and Department. There are few records in employee table, for which, the department is not assigned. The output of the query should contain all th employees names and their corresponding departments, if the department is assigned otherwise employee names and null value in the place department name. What is the query?
What you want to use here is called a left outer join with Employee table on the left side. A left outer join as the name says picks up all the records from the left table and based on the joint column picks the matching records from the right table and in case there are no matching records in the right table, it shows null for the selected coloumns of the right table. eg in this query which uses the key-word LEFT OUTER JOIN. syntax though varies across databases. In DB2/UDB it uses the key word LEFT OUTER JOIN, in case of Oracle the connector is Employee_table.Dept_id *= Dept_table.Dept_id
SQL Server/Sybase :
Employee_table.Dept_id(+) = Dept_table.Dept_id Source:
Select e.fname,e.....,,d....,from employee e LEFT JOIN department d where Source:
Answered by: Debapriya Maity | Date: 1/8/2008
| Contact Debapriya Maity
select e.ename,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno this query will work to the above question.. Source:
Answered by: praneeth | Date: 3/29/2009
| Contact praneeth
select last_name,department_name from employees e,departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id(+)
select last_name,department_name from employees e left outer join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id Source:
Answered by: m_nasef | Date: 5/8/2010
| Contact m_nasef
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