How to read error messages in /var/adm/messages when system is not booting.
When the host is not able to boot , you basically cannot connect to the console. So you can view the messages or any other files.
The only alternate is that you can boot ur system with old unix vmunix.old file and see the messages.
Let me know if you need more clarification n this.
yes I need more clarification on this. Source:
Answered by: Ashu | Date:
| Contact Ashu
In the above answer, there is a typo.. The statement is "When the host is not able to boot , you basically cannot connect to the console. So you can view the messages or any other files." where as, it should have been "When the host is not able to boot , you basically cannot connect to the console. So you can't view the messages or any other files."
You CAN'T view the message, when system is down. Source:
Answered by: Deepa | Date: 9/2/2009
| Contact Deepa
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