Question: Which obp command has a premenent allais?
Answer: When NValias need is:
In case system can not boot from primary disk and it is needed to make another boot disk to access the data , nvalias command is used.
nvalias command makes the device alias and assigns an alternate name to a physical disk. Physical address of target disk is required which can be had by show-disk command on ok>.
ok> nvalias disk7 /iommu@f,e0000000/sbus@f,e0001000/dma@3,81000/esp@3,80000/sd2,0
The new aliased disk can be named as boot disk or can be used for booting by referring its name
ok> setenv boot-device disk7
ok> boot disk7
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Which obp command has a premenent allais?
When NValias need is:
In case system can not boot from primary disk and it is needed to make another boot disk to access the data , nvalias command is used.
nvalias command makes the device alias and assigns an alternate name to a physical disk. Physical address of target disk is required which can be had by show-disk command on ok>.
ok> nvalias disk7 /iommu@f,e0000000/sbus@f,e0001000/dma@3,81000/esp@3,80000/sd2,0
The new aliased disk can be named as boot disk or can be used for booting by referring its name
ok> setenv boot-device disk7
ok> boot disk7 Source: CoolInterview.com
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