How do u open a read only file in Unix?
vi filename e.g vi abc.txt but you cannot write to it easy way if file is small cat filename and contents is display on screen Source:
More filename this can be used even for large files.It will show the first page in the screen.By hitting the Spacebar, the next page can be viewed. Source:
Answered by: Sathish | Date: 7/2/2008
| Contact Sathish
I know questions is how to open a read only mode and answer given is perfectly correct.
Just for the information if you want to open a file in read only mode, then use view command. For e.g. "view abc.txt" will open abc.txt in readonly mode regardless of file has write access or not.
Cheers !!! - BeerCoder Source:
Answered by: BeerCoder | Date: 7/22/2009
| Contact BeerCoder
vi -r <filename> Source:
Answered by: Dinesh Sehra | Date: 7/25/2009
| Contact Dinesh Sehra
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