Explain the working of Virtual Memory.
Virtual memory like as a temparary storage area.It consists of page table.In this pages are divided into frames.It is a contingous memroy allocation.It is also called logical memory. Source:
Virtual memory is memory that appears to be allocated to application programs. The operating system uses a portion of the hard disk as virtual memory, and swaps data between the hard disk and physical memory. Virtual memory enables multitasking. If your computer needs to run several programs simultaneously, and the memory that all these programs require exceeds the amount of physical memory available, the operating system allocates virtual memory to meet the total memory requirements of each program, and then manages the available physical memory to meet the actual memory requirements at each point in time. Therefore, the amount of virtual memory that is allocated can be much greater than the amount of physical memory that is installed in the computer."
--Physical memory and virtual memory TechNote.
Utilizing virtual memory involves paging and swapping.
Paging occurs when an active process requires more memory than what is accessible in physical memory. Portions of the process are moved to disk so the physical memory can be used for something else.
Swapping is done by the kernel. When memory space is running low the kernel looks for a process that isn't likely to run in the near future. That process is written entirely to disk, and the newly-freed memory is reassigned to another process or job.
Answered by: unix | Date: 7/11/2010
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