What does IEFBR14 utility is used for?
IEFBR14 is an IBM-supplied assembler program,which does nothing but gives control to os/390. It forces os/390 to executes the subsequent job steps of allocation or deallocation. This is one way of creating datasets. Source:
IEFBR14 is an IBM-supplied assembler program,which does nothing but gives control to os/390. It forces os/390 to executes the subsequent job steps of allocation or deallocation. This is one way of creating datasets. Source:
Answered by: uwe baranke | Date: 2/24/2009
| Contact uwe baranke
It is a dummy utility used to create PS,PDS, and PDSE. Source:
Answered by: Rajesh | Date: 12/25/2009
| Contact Rajesh
IEFBR14 is the ibm utilityprogram with zero functionlty. Source:
Answered by: vikas jain | Date: 5/29/2010
| Contact vikas jain
IEFBR14 is a IBM supplied utility program, it is dummy program whenever it is used it does following things: 1. It will delete file if exsits or it will create file if file doesn't exists depends on the disp parameter Disp=(Mod, Delete, Delete) Disp=(New, Keep, Keep) Source:
Answered by: ssh | Date: 6/3/2010
| Contact ssh
IEFBR14 is a utility program which used to copy the contents of pds or ps... Source:
Answered by: bala | Date: 8/24/2010
| Contact bala
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