Question: Give brief me about changeman & expidator tool.
Answer: Expeditor Tool :
This is a debugging tool. Handly tool mostly widely used everywhere. There are two types of expediting, online exped and batch exped.
For online exped, you may first need to compile and link your module. Supply your link to the exped job. The exped will pick the module. You can use breakpoint for exped.
Similar is the case for Batch Exped.
Its all depends how your envirnornment allows you to set up.
Give brief me about changeman & expidator tool.
Expeditor Tool :
This is a debugging tool. Handly tool mostly widely used everywhere. There are two types of expediting, online exped and batch exped.
For online exped, you may first need to compile and link your module. Supply your link to the exped job. The exped will pick the module. You can use breakpoint for exped.
Similar is the case for Batch Exped.
Its all depends how your envirnornment allows you to set up.
Changeman is a configuration management tool while expeditor is a debugging tool. Source:
Answered by: Archana | Date: 5/13/2010
| Contact Archana
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