Why can't occurs clause be used at 01 level ?
Occurs Clause can be used only for group item and not for elementary item. Source:
Occurs clause is used to repeat data-items but not Records Source:
Answered by: KASYAPA | Date: 6/26/2009
| Contact KASYAPA
occurs clause is used for declaring group of fields ocuuring multiple times while 01 level is used to dealre record Source:
Answered by: niki | Date: 7/16/2009
| Contact niki
occurs clause is used for elementary and group fields. Source:
Answered by: kiruthika | Date: 1/7/2010
| Contact kiruthika
Occurs clause is using only repeat of the fields in the record.
Ex: 01 group-rec. ---->record 05 ws-details occurs 5 times. 10 ws-accno pic x(10). 10 ws-accname pic x(15). Source:
Answered by: Amarnath Reddy | Date: 1/22/2010
| Contact Amarnath Reddy
we cannot use 01 level for occurs because 01 level is used for Record strcture so we cannot repeat the record stucture more than once but we can use 05 or 10 levels to repeat the specific field more than once in the record structure. Source:
Answered by: ssh | Date: 6/3/2010
| Contact ssh
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