How i can make a chat page in php in simple
First of all we have to make one .txt file ...then open it in write mode then write something in messsage box that will written in that file ...the another user also open that file and write the file with the mesage box....Also open the file in read mod in side window to see what the another user is write ...IN this way we can make simple chat file with php Source:
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Answered by: sujit singh | Date: 4/18/2010
| Contact sujit singh
another user also open that file and write the file with the mesage box....Also open the file in read mod in side window to see what the another user is write ...IN this way we can make simple chat file with php Source:
Answered by: threevikraman | Date: 6/2/2010
| Contact threevikraman
all have make one .txt file ...then open it in write mode then write something in messsage box that will written in that file ...the another user also open that file and write the file with the mesage box....Also open the file in read mod in side window to see what the another user is write Source:
Answered by: threevikraman | Date: 6/2/2010
| Contact threevikraman
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