Question: Can static variables be declared in a header file?
Answer: Yes there is difference between declaring a static variable as global and local. If it is local, it can be accessed only in the function where it's declared. But if it is global, all functions can access it. But, what ever be the case, its value will be retained between functions.
Can static variables be declared in a header file?
Yes there is difference between declaring a static variable as global and local. If it is local, it can be accessed only in the function where it's declared. But if it is global, all functions can access it. But, what ever be the case, its value will be retained between functions. Source:
Yes there is difference between declaring a static variable as global and local. If it is local, it can be accessed only in the function where it's declared. But if it is global, all functions can access it. But, what ever be the case, its value will be retained between functions but it can't be accessed by any function that not belong to that file in static variable is declared is globally. Source:
Answered by: Dheeraj Sharma | Date: 1/16/2008
| Contact Dheeraj Sharma
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