Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a MicroProcessor is… a) To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack) b) To store address of next instruction to be executed. c) count the number of instructions. d) to store base address of the stack.
Ans: (b) Source:
(b)it point to the next instruction Source:
Answered by: sakaria kiran | Date: 1/3/2008
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The purpose of the Program counter is to store the address of instruction which is to be executed next. Source:
Answered by: Rizwan | Date: 6/16/2009
| Contact Rizwan
The answer for this question is C.
The definition stands as follows: Program Counter(PC): It points the address of the instruction which is to be executed next. Source:
Answered by: Rizwan | Date: 7/19/2009
| Contact Rizwan
b.To store address of next instruction to be executed. Source:
Answered by: hgd | Date: 6/9/2010
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b) To store address of next instruction to be executed. Source:
Answered by: bhavin | Date: 7/16/2010
| Contact bhavin
To store address of next instruction to be executed. Source:
Answered by: Dheeraj | Date: 7/19/2010
| Contact Dheeraj
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