What is interrupt latency? How can you recduce it?
the time taken for the interrupt to active, at wat time it will relief from the interrupt Source:
Answered by: Ashok | Date:
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interrupt latency is the time required to return from the interrupt service routine after tackling a particular interrupt. We can reduce it by writing smaller ISR routines. Source:
Answered by: pratheesh | Date:
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Interrupt latency is the responce time of interrupt that meeans the time taken by the device to recieve it and then acknowledge after that it will transfer to particular ISR. Source:
Answered by: ashish kumar mishra | Date: 5/30/2009
| Contact ashish kumar mishra
when an interrupt fires, the microprocessor executes an interrupt service routine (ISR) that has been installed to service the interrupt. The amount of time that elapses between a device interrupt request and the first instruction of the corresponding ISR is known as interrupt latency. Source:
Answered by: Ashish | Date: 5/30/2009
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it is the time between the firing of the interrupt to the attending of the interrupt.
the lesser the delay the faster the system. Source:
Answered by: calvin | Date: 12/14/2009
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It is the time between the firing of the interrupt to the attending of the interrupt.
the lesser the delay the faster the system.
Answered by: TOM | Date: 2/5/2010
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The time taken by a system to respond to an interrupt is known as interrupt latency. There are so many reasons for interrupt latency. Few of them are 1. The time taken by the system to do necessary book keeping when interrupt occurred. 2. Time taken by the system to complete a lengthy ISR. 3. The time for which an interrupt is delayed.
So interrupt latency van be minimized by writing a short routine and by not delaying interrupts for more time Source:
Answered by: Nagaraj | Date: 7/27/2010
| Contact Nagaraj
Everybody explained what is interrupt latency, but none discussed anything about how to reduce it... Source:
Answered by: amit | Date: 8/12/2010
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Time interval between interrupt service and interrupt request. We can reduce it by writing smaller ISR routines Source:
Answered by: kumar pravin | Date: 9/9/2010
| Contact kumar pravin
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