What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
Hard real-time system doesn't allow any delay. Eg;- Missiles Soft Real-time system allow some microseconds of delay. Eg:- Washing machines,Mobiles Source:
Answered by: prasanthi | Date: 1/2/2008
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Hard real time systems: They are time critical, if there is timing is not perfect to operate then they destroy.There is perfect timing which is given is important factor. example: missiles,rocket launching etc. soft real time system: They are not time critical , if there is some delay in operating them they are not destroyed,there perfect timing is no matter to their performance. Source:
Answered by: harsh raj | Date: 1/28/2008
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Big endian: Most significant byte of data in the lowest memory address
Little endian: Least significant byte of data in the lower memory address Source:
Answered by: Muthukumar.J | Date: 8/11/2008
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Hard real time system: Failure to meet the time constraints lead to system failure
Soft real time system: - Performance is degraded by failure to meet time constraints - There is no big effect even deadline is not met Source:
Answered by: Muthukumar.J | Date: 8/11/2008
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Hard RealTime Systems are the ones in which critical deadlines are met strictly. Missing a deadline means failure of the system and the OS that can support such development of such systems are Hard RealTime OS. Utility of the system becomes zero after the deadline if deadline is missed. Eg: Mission critical systems like missile launching systems.
In Soft RealTime Systems, occassional missing of deadlines (small delays) are acceptable and not considered as a failure. Rather it is considered as a performance degrade. Utility of the system is inversely proportional to the delay after the deadline. Eg: Cellphone Source:
Answered by: chandra | Date: 8/6/2010
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