Question: What is Virtual Memory?
Answer: Virtual memory is a concept that, when implemented by a computer and its operating system, allows programmers to use a very large range of memory or storage addresses for stored data. The computing system maps the programmer's virtual addresses to real hardware storage addresses. Usually, the programmer is freed from having to be concerned about the availability of data storage.<br> <br>In addition to managing the mapping of virtual storage addresses to real storage addresses, a computer implementing virtual memory or storage also manages storage swapping between active storage (RAM) and hard disk or other high volume storage devices. Data is read in units called "pages" of sizes ranging from a thousand bytes (actually 1,024 decimal bytes) up to several megabyes in size. This reduces the amount of physical storage access that is required and speeds up overall system performance.<br><br>Submitted by Gargee Deshmukh ([email protected])<br><br>_____<br><br>Virtual Memory is a way of extending a computers memory by using a disk file to simulate add'l memory space. The OS keeps track of these add'l memory addresses on the hard disk called pages, and the operation in bringing in pages is called page fault.<br><br><br>Submitted by George E Broussard ([email protected])
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What is Virtual Memory?
Virtual memory is a concept that, when implemented by a computer and its operating system, allows programmers to use a very large range of memory or storage addresses for stored data. The computing system maps the programmer's virtual addresses to real hardware storage addresses. Usually, the programmer is freed from having to be concerned about the availability of data storage.<br> <br>In addition to managing the mapping of virtual storage addresses to real storage addresses, a computer implementing virtual memory or storage also manages storage swapping between active storage (RAM) and hard disk or other high volume storage devices. Data is read in units called "pages" of sizes ranging from a thousand bytes (actually 1,024 decimal bytes) up to several megabyes in size. This reduces the amount of physical storage access that is required and speeds up overall system performance.<br><br>Submitted by Gargee Deshmukh ([email protected])<br><br>_____<br><br>Virtual Memory is a way of extending a computers memory by using a disk file to simulate add'l memory space. The OS keeps track of these add'l memory addresses on the hard disk called pages, and the operation in bringing in pages is called page fault.<br><br><br>Submitted by George E Broussard ([email protected]) Source: CoolInterview.com
virtual memory is important one of computer.virtual memory are high speed memory.virtual memory implemented to operating system in computer.large storage memory. Source: CoolInterview.com
Answered by: AJAY kannan | Date: 5/4/2010
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Virtual memeory is that when the available RAM memory is not sufficient for the system to run the current applications it will take some memory from hard disk.This memory is termed as Virtual memory Source: CoolInterview.com
Answered by: Arun | Date: 5/14/2010
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