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Question: You have a large spreadsheet located in the /data directory that five different people need to be able to change. How can you enable each user to edit the spreadsheet from their individual home directories?
Choose one:

a. Create a symbolic link in the /data directory.
b. Copy the spreadsheet to each user's home directory.
c. Create a hard link in each user's home directory.
d. Create a script to move the spreadsheet to which ever user's home directory who needs to edit it.

Answer: Answer: c

By creating a link to the file in each user's home directory, each user is able to easily open and edit the spreadsheet. Also, any changes that are made are seen by all the users with access.

Category Linux Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode / Learning Mode
Rating (0.3) By 7616 users
Added on 12/11/2009
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Question: You have a large spreadsheet located in the /data directory that five different people need to be able to change. How can you enable each user to edit the spreadsheet from their individual home directories?
Choose one:

a. Create a symbolic link in the /data directory.
b. Copy the spreadsheet to each user's home directory.
c. Create a hard link in each user's home directory.
d. Create a script to move the spreadsheet to which ever user's home directory who needs to edit it.


Answer: c

By creating a link to the file in each user's home directory, each user is able to easily open and edit the spreadsheet. Also, any changes that are made are seen by all the users with access. Source: CoolInterview.com

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