Question: What are all the Perquisites which are taxable in all cases?
Answer: Perquisites is a gain or profit incidentally made from employment in addition to regular salary or wages. Following are few perquisites which shall be taxable:-
Rent Free Accommodation
Concessional Rent House
Obligation of employee met by Employer. Amount paid by Employer regarding:-
Supply of Gas, Electricity & Water
Free or Concessional Education Facilities of Children
Income Tax of employee
Professional Tax on employee
Salary of servant employed by employee
Motor Car or any other Conveyance for personal use of Employee
Reimbursement of Medical Expenditure
Any other Fringe benefits given by employer to employee :
Free meals if provided by during working hours and value exceeds Rs.50 per day. Excess is taxable.
Gifts exceeding Rs.5,000
Club facilities actual expenditure is taxable.
Credit Card and add on card-actual fee is taxable
Interest free loans or loan at concessional rate of interest if more than Rs.20,000 and if not for medical treatment-difference between prescribed rate and rate charged is taxable.
Use of movable assets except computers and laptops.
What are all the Perquisites which are taxable in all cases? Answer:
Perquisites is a gain or profit incidentally made from employment in addition to regular salary or wages. Following are few perquisites which shall be taxable:-
Rent Free Accommodation
Concessional Rent House
Obligation of employee met by Employer. Amount paid by Employer regarding:-
Supply of Gas, Electricity & Water
Free or Concessional Education Facilities of Children
Income Tax of employee
Professional Tax on employee
Salary of servant employed by employee
Motor Car or any other Conveyance for personal use of Employee
Reimbursement of Medical Expenditure
Any other Fringe benefits given by employer to employee :
Free meals if provided by during working hours and value exceeds Rs.50 per day. Excess is taxable.
Gifts exceeding Rs.5,000
Club facilities actual expenditure is taxable.
Credit Card and add on card-actual fee is taxable
Interest free loans or loan at concessional rate of interest if more than Rs.20,000 and if not for medical treatment-difference between prescribed rate and rate charged is taxable.
Use of movable assets except computers and laptops.