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Question: In order to schedule a cronjob, the first task is to create a text file containing the jobs to be run along with the time they are to run. Which of the following commands will run the script MyScript every day at 11:45 pm?
Choose one:

a. * 23 45 * * MyScript
b. 23 45 * * * MyScript
c. 45 23 * * * MyScript
d. * * * 23 45 MyScript

Answer: Answer: c

This line will run the MyScript script at 23:45 or 11:45 pm every day of every month and every day of the week.

Category Linux Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode / Learning Mode
Rating (0.3) By 7614 users
Added on 12/11/2009
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Question: In order to schedule a cronjob, the first task is to create a text file containing the jobs to be run along with the time they are to run. Which of the following commands will run the script MyScript every day at 11:45 pm?
Choose one:

a. * 23 45 * * MyScript
b. 23 45 * * * MyScript
c. 45 23 * * * MyScript
d. * * * 23 45 MyScript


Answer: c

This line will run the MyScript script at 23:45 or 11:45 pm every day of every month and every day of the week. Source: CoolInterview.com

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