Can a primary key contain more than one columns?
Yes Source:
primary key not allow null values,unique key allow only one null value.In table only one primary is allowed,unique key as many as it can allow. Source:
Answered by: sravan | Date: 1/8/2008
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In each table each column it can allow only one primary key the same table more than one primary key then it is called composite primary key Source:
Answered by: sravan | Date: 5/13/2008
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yes a primary key can have more than one columns through candidate key Source:
Answered by: pavan | Date: 8/13/2008
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Yes.A PRIMARY KEY can contain more than one column and this type of primary key is known as composite primary key. Source:
Answered by: Samir Kumar Sahoo | Date: 1/23/2009
| Contact Samir Kumar Sahoo
yes.. A PRIMARY KEY is meant for one column.. If a PRIMARY KEY is defined on more than one column then it is called COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEY.. if you have a table having course id and student id where as one student can apply for many courses and in such a way you can define PRIMARY KEY on both columns like COURSEID AND STUDENTID. Source:
Answered by: uday bhasker | Date: 4/21/2009
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yes a primary key can have more than one column.its called a composite primary key but no table can have more than one primary key. Source:
Answered by: purnima | Date: 5/2/2009
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if the same data appears in more than one row for a particular column.( eg: last name of 2 sons of the same family) here p'key:last name is useless
In that case, primary key can have more than one column. (p'key:last name and first name) Source:
Answered by: madan | Date: 6/22/2009
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Yes. Multiple column are aloud in primary key it is known as composite primary key.primary key does not allow null values. it is unique key which is used to search data from table. Source:
Answered by: Shaikh Rehana | Date: 2/2/2010
| Contact Shaikh Rehana
Primary key contain more than one columns. This primary key is called as Composite Primary Key. Source:
Answered by: BETHE | Date: 3/12/2010
| Contact BETHE
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