What is difference between SQL and SQL*PLUS?
SQL*PLUS is a command line tool where as SQL and PL/SQL language interface and reporting tool. Its a command line tool that allows user to type SQL commands to be executed directly against an Oracle database. SQL is a language used to query the relational database(DML,DCL,DDL). SQL*PLUS commands are used to format query result, Set options, Edit SQL commands and PL/SQL. Source:
SQL * Plus is an environment. Keywords can be abbreviated.
SQL is a Query Language. Keywords cannot be abbreviated. Source:
Answered by: chaitra murthy | Date: 1/2/2009
| Contact chaitra murthy
sql:- it is a language,its an ANSI standard,keyword cannot be abbreviated...
sql* :- its an environment ,keyword can be abbreveted runs on a browser and centrally loaded does not have to be impelimented on each machine Source:
Answered by: ameer mujahid | Date: 2/4/2010
| Contact ameer mujahid
SQL * Plus is an environment. SQL is a Query Language.
SQL*PLUS is a command line tool that allows user to type SQL commands to be executed directly against an Oracle database. SQL is a language used to query the relational database(DML,DCL,DDL).
SQL*PLUS commands are used to format query result, Set options, Edit SQL commands and PL/SQL. SQL and PL/SQL language interface and reporting tool. Source:
Answered by: Savita Khadse | Date: 4/4/2010
| Contact Savita Khadse
sql has no help. where as sql+ has help option........ Source:
Answered by: babitha | Date: 6/14/2010
| Contact babitha
sql has no help. where as sql+ has help option........ Source:
Answered by: babitha | Date: 6/14/2010
| Contact babitha
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