Question: State the role of RBI in Agricultural Sector?
Answer: i. It provides refinance facilities for agriculture, small scale industries, artisans; cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other allied economic activities so that production may be increased. ii. It can borrow from RBI and the Government of India. It can arrange funds from the World Bank and other multilateral and bilateral financial agencies. iii. It can advance loans up to a period of 20 years to State Governments so that they may participate in the share capital of cooperative credit societies. It can provide credit facilities for the short, medium and long term to State Co-operative Banks, Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and other financial institutions. iv. It coordinates the work of the Government of India, Planning Commission and State Governments for Village and small scale industries. v. It finances research on agriculture and rural development. vi. It supervisor the work of Regional Rural Banks, Commercial Banks and other Cooperative Bank.
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State the role of RBI in Agricultural Sector?
i. It provides refinance facilities for agriculture, small scale industries, artisans; cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other allied economic activities so that production may be increased. ii. It can borrow from RBI and the Government of India. It can arrange funds from the World Bank and other multilateral and bilateral financial agencies. iii. It can advance loans up to a period of 20 years to State Governments so that they may participate in the share capital of cooperative credit societies. It can provide credit facilities for the short, medium and long term to State Co-operative Banks, Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and other financial institutions. iv. It coordinates the work of the Government of India, Planning Commission and State Governments for Village and small scale industries. v. It finances research on agriculture and rural development. vi. It supervisor the work of Regional Rural Banks, Commercial Banks and other Cooperative Bank. Source: CoolInterview.com
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