What is a View ?
A view is a virtual table. Every view has a Query attached to it. (The Query is a SELECT statement that identifies the columns and rows of the table(s) the view uses.) Source:
A view is based on a table or another view and acts as a window through which data on tables can be viewed or changed. A view does not contain data. The definition of the view is stored in the data dictionary. You can see definition of view in user_view data dictionary table. more view options are... these.. > can be simple view, based on one table > can be a complex view based on more than one table or can contain groups of functi.ons >can replace other view with same name >can contain a check constraint > can be read-only Source:
Answered by: sachin | Date: 11/10/2007
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view is a Database object that which describes the definition of the table. Advantages of view are 1.Hide the data 2.Provide security to the data. Source:
Answered by: PVR Kishore | Date: 5/20/2008
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