What does a Control file Contain ?
A Control file records the physical structure of the database. It contains the following information. Database Name Names and locations of a database's files and redolog files. Time stamp of database creation. Source:
one more additional information like to add to above answer: 3) Information used to recover the database in the case of a disk failure or user error Source:
Answered by: ankur | Date: 8/11/2008
| Contact ankur
Database name,Timestamp, Name and Location of data ,log files, Checkpoint info, Sequence No,Archive info, Tablespace name , Undo and Redo information also stored in control file. Source:
Answered by: Alok Kulkarni | Date: 10/26/2009
| Contact Alok Kulkarni
Database name,Timestamp of database creation, Name and Location of data files and log files, Checkpoint info, Sequence No,Archive info, Tablespace name , Undo and Redo information,rman metadata also stored in control file.
Answered by: manuaggarwal | Date: 6/16/2010
| Contact manuaggarwal
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