What is the use of Control File ?
When an instance of an ORACLE database is started, its control file is used to identify the database and redo log files that must be opened for database operation to proceed. It is also used in database recovery. Source:
Control files is a binary file. Before database is opened it determines whether database is in valid state or not. If yes then database is opened. Source:
Answered by: memonsalim | Date: 1/30/2009
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control file is a binary file which holds the current status of the we need to maintain at least 2 different locations. Source:
Answered by: Parthiban | Date: 2/3/2010
| Contact Parthiban
the control file is a binary file maintained by oracle server that defines the current stage of the physical is read in mount stage and each file is associated with a single should be multiplexed,at least one control file is required but it can be multiplexed up to eight times.if for some reason the control file is not accessible,the database does not function properly Source:
Answered by: harry | Date: 5/15/2010
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