Question: What is Restricted Mode of Instance Startup in Oracle?
Answer: To Enable Restricted Session
Alter system enable restricted session;
To Disable Restricted Session
Alter system disable restricted session;
To Start the Database in Restricted Mode
By starting Instance in restricted mode it will not allow all users to access and only users with restriction privilege will be allowed to access. This will be done time of make some data changes so that no users should be allowed to access data on time of changes happening
What is Restricted Mode of Instance Startup in Oracle? Answer:
To Enable Restricted Session
Alter system enable restricted session;
To Disable Restricted Session
Alter system disable restricted session;
To Start the Database in Restricted Mode
By starting Instance in restricted mode it will not allow all users to access and only users with restriction privilege will be allowed to access. This will be done time of make some data changes so that no users should be allowed to access data on time of changes happening Source:
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