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Question: You are tuning an ASE which is at "steady state". If you suspect, based on
current usage, that too much memory is allocated to open object structures in your server, which of the
following procedures should you use to most directly confirm or refute your hypothesis?
A. sp_helpconfig
B. sp_countmetadata
C. sp_object_stats
D. sp_monitorconfig
E. sp_configure

Answer: D. sp_monitorconfig

Category Sybase Certification Exams Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode / Learning Mode
Rating (0.2) By 9254 users
Added on 7/29/2015
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Question: You are tuning an ASE which is at "steady state". If you suspect, based on
current usage, that too much memory is allocated to open object structures in your server, which of the
following procedures should you use to most directly confirm or refute your hypothesis?
A. sp_helpconfig
B. sp_countmetadata
C. sp_object_stats
D. sp_monitorconfig
E. sp_configure


D. sp_monitorconfig Source: CoolInterview.com

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