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Which of the following statements describes readpast locking? (Choose 2) A. It can be specified at the session, transaction, and table level. B. It allows insert, update, and delete commands to read past any incompatible lock. C. It allows readers to not block writers. D. It allows select and readtext queries to silently skip all rows or pages locked with incompatible locks.
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Given: number of worker processes = 10, max parallel degree = 5, max scan parallel degree = 4. Table A has the following characteristics: Datarows locking, No indexes, a column named price, 5000 rows, 4 partitions. A user executes the following query: Select * from A where price < $10. Which of the following conditions would cause the query to run in serial instead of parallel? (Choose 2) A. there are not enough worker processes available at run time B. the database option select into/bulkcopy/pllsort is not set to true C. the partition skew is 2.3 D. the database is set for single user mode E. max parallel degree does not match the number of partitions
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The employees table has an index created as follows: create index emp_index1 on employees(last_name, first_name desc) Which of the following queries would not require a sort? (Choose 2) A. select * from employees order by last_name, first_name B. select * from employees order by last_name ASC, first_name DESC C. select * from employees order by first_name DESC, last_name ASC D. select * from employees order by last_name DESC, first_name ASC
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