Question: How big is Venus?
Answer: In terms of size, Venus is the most like Earth, although not in terms of planetary conditions, climate, or hospitability for life.
Venus is 95% the size of earth. In terms of the density of the planet, it is very close to earth. It is 30% closer to the Sun than the earth is. It is also incredibly hot - around 880 degrees Fahrenheit at times, and sulphuric acid rain. The planet has a runaway greenhouse effect problem.
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How big is Venus?
In terms of size, Venus is the most like Earth, although not in terms of planetary conditions, climate, or hospitability for life.
Venus is 95% the size of earth. In terms of the density of the planet, it is very close to earth. It is 30% closer to the Sun than the earth is. It is also incredibly hot - around 880 degrees Fahrenheit at times, and sulphuric acid rain. The planet has a runaway greenhouse effect problem. Source: CoolInterview.com
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