Question: What is the role of a bug tracking system?
Answer: A bug tracking system is used to report all errors at one central place for easy access and retriaval, both byu developer as well as tester.
Since all the bugs are centrally filed, it becomes easy to update their status. The tracking can be done across multiple projects and lastly, these details can be used by a QA manager for Metrics.
What is the role of a bug tracking system?
A bug tracking system is used to report all errors at one central place for easy access and retriaval, both byu developer as well as tester.
Since all the bugs are centrally filed, it becomes easy to update their status. The tracking can be done across multiple projects and lastly, these details can be used by a QA manager for Metrics. Source:
Bug tracking system is to show the new , Fixed, Re-open, Closed and total number of bugs with corresponding Severity and Priority Source:
Answered by: QA | Date: 5/14/2009
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Bug Tracking System is basically to report all the bugs found in each version of the application. It helps to track the bug status like New, Open, Defered,Reopen & closed. The tracker will record all the bugs in all status either Developer od Tester. Source:
Answered by: Mani | Date: 4/9/2010
| Contact Mani
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