What are encoder and the decoder? What are the uses of these two devices? Also, write about how it works with circuit diagram.
There are zillions of things in electronics called encoders. You can look up LCDs and NAND gates as well and this is really basics. Source:
The ENCODER, in electronics, generally prefers to the thing or device that converts, based on its inbuilt logic, one form of data (generally analog),into another (digital or bit patterns). Exactly reverse process is performed in case of DECODER. Source:
Answered by: jairaj | Date: 10/17/2009
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here are zillions of things in electronics called encoders. You can look up LCDs and NAND gates as well and this is really basics.
The ENCODER, in electronics, generally prefers to the thing or device that converts, based on its inbuilt logic, one form of data (generally analog),into another (digital or bit patterns). Exactly reverse process is performed in case of DECODER. Source:
Answered by: nagabharathi | Date: 7/30/2010
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Decoders will have N inputs, and 2^N output. Let's say that we have two inputs (A and B), and 4 outputs (M N O P).
Encoders work in exactly the opposite way as decoders, taking 2^N inputs, and having N outputs. When a bit comes in on an input wire, the encoder outputs the physical address of that wire.It takes 2^n inputs and gives out n outputs,the enable pin should be kept 1 for enabling the circuit.
For more details visit : Source:
Answered by: Deepak rai | Date: 4/6/2016
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