Question: Describe and explain about values in Microsoft windows operating system?
Answer: At the bottom of the hierarchy are the entries, called values, which contain the information. Each value has three parts a name, a type, and the data. The name is just a Unicode string, often default if the directory contains only one value. The type is one of 11 standard types. The most common ones are Unicode string, a list of Unicode strings, a 32 bit integer, an arbitrary length binary number, and a symbolic link to a directory or entry elsewhere in the registry.
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Describe and explain about values in Microsoft windows operating system?
At the bottom of the hierarchy are the entries, called values, which contain the information. Each value has three parts a name, a type, and the data. The name is just a Unicode string, often default if the directory contains only one value. The type is one of 11 standard types. The most common ones are Unicode string, a list of Unicode strings, a 32 bit integer, an arbitrary length binary number, and a symbolic link to a directory or entry elsewhere in the registry. Source: CoolInterview.com
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