What important goals have you achieved in the past year?
Look for an answer that demonstrates real ambition that is also backed, not only by persistence, but by a real enthusiasm to succeed. Try to determine if they have a record of practical achievement. Source:
i haved succed in getting 2 promotions in 5 years Source:
Answered by: raman | Date: 4/20/2010
| Contact raman
I got some rewards and a promotion within 5Years of timespan from my top level management team. due to which u can see in my resume that i have been sifted always in new process which is difficult to tackle by other new employee . time to time i have given some advice to my top level management on several confidential matter. Source:
Answered by: yogesh | Date: 6/15/2010
| Contact yogesh
as you see i my resume i am not the part of the pilot process in this company.but i still learned that process well during my training period and because of my good productivity in my process i am also cross trained on other aspects of project. i also got a chance to trained new hires. Source:
Answered by: mukes luthra | Date: 8/7/2010
| Contact mukes luthra
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