Question: What is the difference between call transaction and session method?
Answer: Session method: The records are not added to the database until the session is processed. sy-subrc is not returned. Error logs are created for error records. Updation in database table is always Synchronous.
Call Transaction method: The records are immediately added to the database table. sy-subrc is returned to 0 if successful. Error logs are not created and hence the errors need to be handled explicitly. Updation in database table is either Synchronous or Asynchronous.
What is the difference between call transaction and session method? Answer:
Session method: The records are not added to the database until the session is processed. sy-subrc is not returned. Error logs are created for error records. Updation in database table is always Synchronous.
Call Transaction method: The records are immediately added to the database table. sy-subrc is returned to 0 if successful. Error logs are not created and hence the errors need to be handled explicitly. Updation in database table is either Synchronous or Asynchronous. Source:
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