How do you Handle Pressure?
High achievers tend to perform well in high pressure situations. These questions also could imply that the position is pressure packed. If you do perform well under stress provide an example with details giving an overview of the stressful situation. Let the interviewer feel the stress by your description. Source:
If i do stressful situation first i search reason for that situation then i take correct desition and manage that situation.....i know just simple english Source:
Answered by: H.Malarvizhi | Date: 12/22/2009
| Contact H.Malarvizhi
In such a stressful situation first i would try to be focussed and strategically plan to arrive at the best and logical decision, which the situation would require. Source:
Answered by: raj | Date: 12/29/2009
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pressure is an unconditional situation , i could understand the criteria towards the required act or performance which we are tend towards, of-course planning and executing things accordingly in an simplified manner fetch you the best Source:
Answered by: S.Ashok kumar | Date: 4/4/2010
| Contact S.Ashok kumar
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