Describe the Difference between being a Manager and a Leader and a Follower?
Your answer will tell the interviewer about your understanding of hiring motivating and retaining staff. Following directions thinking outside of the box empowering people or just doing what needs to be done all of these management approaches have their time. Its OK to be a manager certain situations require it. Being a leader is the next level of managerial development, so convey what is appropriate for you. Source:
manager in the sense of manage the management. It includes planinig, coordinating, controlling, all these thinks. leader is nothing but to lead the team. It mainly concentrate to avoid any speculation of work and follow the managerial activities of above. followers is just like follow to who are giving one work should be clearly fullfil that. Source:
Answered by: ramesh kanna | Date: 11/3/2009
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A manager should have thorough knowledge of the organisation as well as he/she should have strong interpersonal skills, motivating power, encouraging skill, presence of mind and all the qualities of a leader. Whereas a leader should have courage to take the initiatives. And also he must have gud motivating power, co ordinating power and gud communication skill.
At last a follower should be a gud listner, should obey the instructions of the higher authorities honestly. He should be completely dedicated towards his work. So i would say if a person is a good follower, then he can be a gud leader. and if he is a good leader then definitely he can be a gud manager. Source:
Answered by: shriya | Date: 12/4/2009
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