Question: What are Motherboard Components?
Answer: It contains the following key components:<br>1.A microprocessor "socket" which defines what kind of central processing unit the motherboard uses.<br>2.A chipset which forms the computer's logic system. It is usually composed of two parts called bridges (a "north" bridge and its opposite, "south" bridge), which connects the CPU to the rest of the system;<br>3.A Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) chip which controls the most basic function of a computer, and how to repair it; and<br>4.A real-time clock which is a battery-operated chip which maintains the system's time, and other basic functions. <br><br>The motherboard also has slots or ports for the attachment of various peripherals or support system/hardware. There is an Accelerated Graphics Port, which is used exclusively for video cards; Integrated Drive Electronics, which provides the interfaces for the hard disk drives; Memory or RAM cards; and Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), which provides electronic connections for video capture cards and network cards, among others.
What are Motherboard Components?
It contains the following key components:<br>1.A microprocessor "socket" which defines what kind of central processing unit the motherboard uses.<br>2.A chipset which forms the computer's logic system. It is usually composed of two parts called bridges (a "north" bridge and its opposite, "south" bridge), which connects the CPU to the rest of the system;<br>3.A Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) chip which controls the most basic function of a computer, and how to repair it; and<br>4.A real-time clock which is a battery-operated chip which maintains the system's time, and other basic functions. <br><br>The motherboard also has slots or ports for the attachment of various peripherals or support system/hardware. There is an Accelerated Graphics Port, which is used exclusively for video cards; Integrated Drive Electronics, which provides the interfaces for the hard disk drives; Memory or RAM cards; and Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), which provides electronic connections for video capture cards and network cards, among others. Source:
motherboard components are hdd,memory,processor,graphic card,net card,BIOS chip. Source:
Answered by: saurav | Date: 10/3/2009
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Answered by: prasanth | Date: 11/9/2009
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The motherboard also has slots or ports for the attachment of various peripherals or support system/hardware. There is an Accelerated Graphics Port, which is used exclusively for video cards; Integrated Drive Electronics, which provides the interfaces for the hard disk drives; Memory or RAM cards; and Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), which provides electronic connections for video capture cards and network cards, among others.<br> Source:
Answered by: amit | Date: 12/16/2009
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The motherboard is the most important part of any contains most of component which are necessary to run any system like:central processing unit,ram,network card , v.g.a card,c mos battery e.t.c Source:
Answered by: kamlesh | Date: 12/27/2009
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The main components of motherboard is 1.Socket-used as interface to processor 2.Memory Module-As RAM interface.
3.IDE & SATA-used for Connecting Storage Devices such as hard disk drive,Compact Disk Drive.
4.I/O Ports-Used for Connecting peripheral devices.
5.Fdd-Used for connecting Floppy Disk Drive. Source:
Answered by: nagendra rajan | Date: 3/14/2010
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the motherboard components are hardisk,slots,ram,processor,southbridge and northbridge etc.the motherboard is a main part of computer. Source:
Answered by: irfan khan | Date: 4/11/2010
| Contact irfan khan
the mother board components are harddisk,ramslots,north bridge,south bridge,processor these are main things in computer Source:
Answered by: pardhu | Date: 9/4/2010
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