Question: What are analogies for mitochondria?
Answer: Well, as you know, the mitochondria are the producers of most of a cell's energy and the nucleolus creates ribosomes. The cell wall is only in a plant cell and is a rigid layer of non-living material that surrounds the cells of plants and some organisms.
What are analogies for mitochondria?
Well, as you know, the mitochondria are the producers of most of a cell's energy and the nucleolus creates ribosomes. The cell wall is only in a plant cell and is a rigid layer of non-living material that surrounds the cells of plants and some organisms. Source:
In a cell mitochondria contains enzymes needed for the sysnthesis and storage of energy in the form of ATP(cellular respiration).Therefore mitochondria are also called as the powerhouse of cell Source:
Answered by: meera balaram | Date: 10/10/2009
| Contact meera balaram
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