Question: what is main purpose of interface?
Answer: There is no multiple inheritance in java,we can't extends more than one class at a time,so interface is a way to implement multiple inheritance in java, and from design point view when we have some class specific behaviours we can put interface as a base of the classes.
what is main purpose of interface?
There is no multiple inheritance in java,we can't extends more than one class at a time,so interface is a way to implement multiple inheritance in java, and from design point view when we have some class specific behaviours we can put interface as a base of the classes. Source:
Interface is essentially a contract (method signatures) of a component (the implementing object) which is offered to its users (method callers). The component itself may be from a third party. The users only need to know just the contract (method signatures). At a later stage if the component needs to be replaced by somthing else, for whatever reason, we can easily plug the other component which is offering the same contract (implementing the same interface) with no changes to the users (callers). I think this is the main advantage of having interfaces. Source:
Answered by: Veeranjaneyulu Sivaratri | Date: 5/26/2010
| Contact Veeranjaneyulu Sivaratri
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