What modifiers are allowed for methods in an Interface?
Only public and abstract modifiers are allowed for methods in interfaces. Source:
in my point of view by default all the methods in a interface are public and abstract and all the variables are public static and and final. so only public and abstract modifiers are allowed for methods in interfaces. Source:
Answered by: satish | Date: 12/11/2009
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the abstract variable is that constant that can not change the value of your assingning the value. that can be import all the assigning and declarative part of the program Source:
Answered by: vishal | Date: 1/9/2010
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Interface can have methods and member variables. Below are the access specifiers that we can use in Interface.
Interface methods should be PUBLIC
Interface Variables should be PUBLIC, Static and FINAL. Source:
Answered by: Venu | Date: 1/10/2010
| Contact Venu
Interface can have variable and methods .
Interface methods should PUBLIC ,ABSTRACT
Interface Variables Should be PUBLIC ,STATIC,FINAL. Source:
Answered by: kalyan | Date: 7/5/2010
| Contact kalyan
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