What is the difference between goal and ambition?
Goal is our final destination where we have to reach at any how condition whetherambition is our desire to reach the destination Source:
Answered by: umesh patel | Date: 5/2/2010
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aim can be define as the freedom of an individual and it also depend upon his capability & knowledge but the term goal is a systematic procedure for achievement any objective & vision comes true. Source:
Answered by: Dhanendra kumar bind | Date: 5/13/2010
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goal which we have to achive(target) and ambition which we want to achive Source:
Answered by: Hemal Kumar | Date: 6/14/2010
| Contact Hemal Kumar
Goal is: The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain. Ambition is : An eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something. Source:
Answered by: Sashi Bhushan Singh | Date: 7/2/2010
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goal is final destination where we want to reach and ambition is something that what you want to be. Source:
Answered by: mukesh luthra | Date: 8/7/2010
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