When you feel that a team is working efficiently, except for the fact that one member is clearly not “pulling their weight”, what steps will you take?
Applicant should be prepared to push for a situation where all members pool their knowledge, take steps to ensure all members pull their weight, and create a working environment that will improve their efficiency. Source:
I will observe the member closely for a couple of days , find which his performance in various aspects ,the overall graph ,is there any external influence.Is the salary appropriate to experience and education or that of peers..I will speak about the performance to the employee in a way like: how satissfaied are u about the performance , what do u think can help u to improve it ..I will try to address as many problems as optimally possible.I wont hesitate to ask if any help / counselling is needed .If the problem is of confidance , I will help to set lower targets and once the employee feels confidant i will increase it .Also can assign a helpful mentor if resources permit Source:
Answered by: shilpa | Date: 6/18/2009
| Contact shilpa
He should be made the team coordinator & I am sure now team works more efficiently. Source:
Answered by: Vikrant Jain | Date: 6/21/2009
| Contact Vikrant Jain
The performance review should be highlighted on a daily basis to everyone in the Team.It should show who is the bottom performer and the top performer. The bottom performer would definately try to come up.... Source:
Answered by: Abhishek | Date: 6/22/2009
| Contact Abhishek
its better to regret the person from the team or else make him to work with efficient knowledge. Source:
Answered by: rethai sharma | Date: 8/10/2009
| Contact rethai sharma
if a team is working properly except that a person is not clearly,one had better to raise the moral of the working team,and should always force them to think that how they will get benificiel with there thorownoess in hard work. Source:
Answered by: vivek pathe | Date: 9/16/2009
| Contact vivek pathe
performance of every indivigual should be evaluated and computed after some regular interval of time. If some one is not going as well as the other peers are doing then firstly one should try to find out it reason .. there may be variety of reason behind that .. if its a porblem of lack of confidence then team member should encourage him , if a lack of technical knowledge then he should provide a mentor but if he is not doing well cause he is not interested then he must fire .. Source:
Answered by: Alok Kumar Gupta | Date: 6/5/2010
| Contact Alok Kumar Gupta
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