Answer: There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages. There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages.
How to Add VB script to web pages ? Answer:
There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages. There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages. Source:
the vbscript in html can be added by using following code <html> <head> <script language="vbscript"> . . . .. </script> <body> . . </body> </html>
vb script is a cliet side scripting language bt it can be added to the html page by using abive code like java script. And executing is the responsibility of browser Source:
Answered by: Prince | Date: 10/18/2009
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