Question: Why have you taken HR as your major and marketing as minor subject?
Answer: I am a people's person, always wanted to deal with human capital so as i choosed HR as major and though marketing also deals with skills like concincing power, narrating, innovative, think out of the box, solve real time problem so they have a major linkage in them....
Why have you taken HR as your major and marketing as minor subject?
I am a people's person, always wanted to deal with human capital so as i choosed HR as major and though marketing also deals with skills like concincing power, narrating, innovative, think out of the box, solve real time problem so they have a major linkage in them.... Source:
Answered by: Diana | Date: 6/23/2010
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The carrier i choosed M.B.A is because of Hr only. Hr is the only area we can able to know the behaviour,attitude,psychology of a individual.i have to work for the human problem,issues their values and also deals with the customer of different types but their solving of problems will come under Hr Source:
Answered by: loganathan | Date: 8/27/2010
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