Answer: Generally this question will be asked to know the attitude of the candidate.. we can give answers which doesn't affect impression about our skills..for example we can say that eating chocolates etc..If you want your answer to be professional you can give smart answers like " I cant relax untill the work assigned to me is completed.. I dont know whether it is my weakness or strength " Such answers may create some positive opinion about us.. But please remember whatever answer you give it should not sound like you are prepared answers.. It should be like just Spontaneous answer.
Generally this question will be asked to know the attitude of the candidate.. we can give answers which doesn't affect impression about our skills..for example we can say that eating chocolates etc..If you want your answer to be professional you can give smart answers like " I cant relax untill the work assigned to me is completed.. I dont know whether it is my weakness or strength " Such answers may create some positive opinion about us.. But please remember whatever answer you give it should not sound like you are prepared answers.. It should be like just Spontaneous answer. Source: