How many ips we can assign to a particular pc???/
normally u can assigh one ip, if u ant to assign more than one ip , then u use diff LAN card(external lan card) Source:
Answered by: sheeja | Date: 8/3/2008
| Contact sheeja
Yes. You may have as many computers as you want on this connection and they can all have simultaneous access to the Internet. All of the computers would need to be "networked" together. While this is not something LI-SKY does, we do have a list of computer consultants and network engineers that can help you accomplish this. Please ask our sale office for assistance. Source:
Answered by: Ram Mohan | Date: 8/4/2008
| Contact Ram Mohan
IP address is assigned to the NIC of the PC.The total number of ip addresses that can be assigned varies depending on the operating system. DOS,likely just 1. Windows 2000, for example, can have at least hundreds of addresses assigned, but only 51 reliably work (51 total, spread out over all your nics, weather you have one or several). After the 52nd is added, Active Directory takes a dump and bad things happen. In Linux, it will vary by kernel version. Older kernels may be limited to 30 or so, whereas newer ones will be much higher. If you are using WindowsXP you can configure the TCP/IP Protocol in your Network Properties as follows:Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connection -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) * Type in a static ip address * Then click Advanced * Under the "Ip address" group box, click add to add more ip addresses. You would need to do this in the case where you need to connect to more then one different subnet where proper routing has not been set up. Source:
Answered by: Reeves Fernandes | Date: 8/4/2008
| Contact Reeves Fernandes
only one possible to add ip address. Source:
Answered by: balaji.k | Date: 8/4/2008
| Contact balaji.k
If u hav n number of NICs then u can assign n IPs to ur PC. these all are static are dynamicall (through DHCP) assigned. U can also assign virtual IPs to ur machine. I am not sure abt this. but while u r using virtual IP u cannot acces to the ur backbone network. Source:
Answered by: srikanth | Date: 8/5/2008
| Contact srikanth
1 static 254 virtual ips can be assigned to a pc Source:
Answered by: venkat | Date: 8/25/2008
| Contact venkat
the number of NIC u have on ur machine is the number of ips u can assign Source:
Answered by: Ashwini | Date: 1/8/2010
| Contact Ashwini
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