Question: What is the amount of pf and esi for employee to deducted ?
Answer: In calculating the deduction part of the salary, in terms of PF ,12% of basic+DA is deduted, & it can be equally contibuted by employee & employer. In term of ESI, 6.50% of basic+DA is being deducted from employees salary & employer contributed 4.75% and employee contibuted 1.75%.
What is the amount of pf and esi for employee to deducted ?
In calculating the deduction part of the salary, in terms of PF ,12% of basic+DA is deduted, & it can be equally contibuted by employee & employer. In term of ESI, 6.50% of basic+DA is being deducted from employees salary & employer contributed 4.75% and employee contibuted 1.75%. Source:
Answered by: Raj Kumar Ghosh | Date: 8/22/2008
| Contact Raj Kumar Ghosh
From the employee salary pf deducts by 12% of the basic + DA and ESI deducts by 1.75% of gross salary. employer contributes 13.61% OF basic + DA towards PF (8.33% towards pension and 3.67% towards EDLI= ADMIN EXPENSES)AND 4.75% of gross towards ESI. Source:
Answered by: Sweety Chuadhary | Date: 12/26/2008
| Contact Sweety Chuadhary
in pf employee share =12% and employer share =13.61% in esi employee share =1.75% and employer share =4.75% Source:
Answered by: sunil swami | Date: 4/9/2010
| Contact sunil swami
pf employee share(basic+VDA) =12% and employer share =13.61% in esi employee share(Basic+VDA+HRA) =1.75% and employer share (Basic+VDA+HRA)=4.75% Source:
Answered by: Kishan Kunwer | Date: 8/19/2010
| Contact Kishan Kunwer
ESI fund, maintained by ESIC is applicable to employees earning Rs 15,000 or less per month to provide the cash and medical benefits to them and their families. This fund is a contributory fund in which both the employer and employee contribute 4.75% and 1.75% respectively to make it a total of 6.5%.
For ESI calculation, the salary comprises of all the monthly payable amounts such as basic pay, dearness allowance, city compensatory allowance, HRA, incentive allowance, attendance bonus, meal allowance and incentive bonus. The salary however, does not include annual bonus, retrenchment compensation, encashment of leave and gratuity.
For Employees Provident Fund, both the employee and the employer contributes equal amount, which is 12% of the salary of the employee. However, the employee contributions may differ. Employees can contribute more than 12% of their salary voluntarily. However, in such a case, the employer is not bound to match the extra contribution of the employee. Source:
Answered by: Berry | Date: 9/10/2010
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