What is the steps for recovery of missing data file? and the steps for physical stand by database creation?
Shut down the database and start mount then recreate the d.b by using recreation using old data file path. Source:
Answered by: Raj | Date: 9/13/2008
| Contact Raj
steps: copy all the files in the Hot backup. 2.startup mount 3.alter database recover automatic using backup controlfile until cancel ; 4.alter database open reset logs; Source:
Answered by: narayana | Date: 2/10/2009
| Contact narayana
If any data file is missing, make datafile offline with the commond 'alter tablespace tablespace_name offline;
And Restore the relivent datafile from the backup, recover the datafile 'recover datafile path of datafile or datafile no# online; it will apply all archive logs and redo logs and it will recover and open for normal use. Source:
Answered by: kunal mishra | Date: 7/9/2009
| Contact kunal mishra
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