Question: What is the unit of work?
Answer: The R/3 system is multi user system and many users access the same information at the same time, which is mainly DATA. Consider the case where one user is modifying a record, and second user is trying to delete the same record. If the second user is successful in deleting the record then the first user will face problem for modifying the record that is already deleted. The avoid such situation, R/3 system has provided Logical Unit of Work.
What is the unit of work?
The R/3 system is multi user system and many users access the same information at the same time, which is mainly DATA. Consider the case where one user is modifying a record, and second user is trying to delete the same record. If the second user is successful in deleting the record then the first user will face problem for modifying the record that is already deleted. The avoid such situation, R/3 system has provided Logical Unit of Work. Source:
Inseparable sequence of database operations that must be executed either in its entirety by a database commit or not at all. From the point of view of a database system, LUWs play an important role in ensuring data integrity. Source:
Answered by: Susie | Date: 5/12/2009
| Contact Susie
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